04 December 2010

This Is What Happens to Engineers

One day, I was sitting in calculus. I opened up my textbook, expecting to see math. Instead, I saw an image of what I thought was a moderately unattractive man who worked in engineering. Then, I noticed the name beneath the photo. The unattractive man was actually a woman.

This got me thinking; what if I became an engineer? What would happen to me? This brought about a horribly vivid scenario that I probably imagined more dramatically than was necessary.

First, I would become an engineer. This would be all fine and dandy; I'd be engineering things like a madwoman, and when I became famous for my incredible engineering skills, someone would want to take a picture of me to put in a calculus book to inspire little calculus students everywhere to become an engineer, just like me. Except the picture, instead of being incredibly flattering, would look something like this:

This unattractive, mannish photo of me would be prominently displayed in calculus textbooks across the nation, much to my dismay. Then, children receiving their textbooks for the first time would open them to find a hideous version of me grimacing at them from the page. Their reaction would probably not be an irresistible urge to become an engineer.

This is why I'm going to be a choir teacher.


  1. That was some story of why not to become an engineer! And you know what the worst part is? Maybe about 80%-99.999999999999% of us women could and would end up like that! I would just be terrified! You go Gingery!

  2. "Their reaction would probably not be an irresistible urge to become an engineer." Probably not. Lol.

  3. You do realize of course that someone could take a picture of you for a music textbook and the same thing could happen don't you! :D

  4. Haha that is very true... Hmm... I wonder who *cough cough Gingery* XP

    P.S. There's a brown person! :D
