05 December 2010

Things You Can Be When You Grow Up

If you are one of those people who just can't decide what career to pursue, we at Blogodactyl are here to help! To help you narrow down your options, here is an illustrated list of what we believe to be the most honorable of all professions:

Now, as most people know, accounting is a well-respected job. It certainly has a very official-sounding name. It also seems like it has a lot of math involved, so you probably will get a fancy calculator to crunch numbers with.

Being a doctor requires great skill and knowledge. At least, if you're a good doctor it does. It also requires persistence/perseverance/other words with that general meaning. For example, you have to go to medical school for a really long time. But if you are skillful, knowledgeful, and persistence/perseverance/other words with that general meaningful, you can probably become an awesome doctor and make lots of money. And save lives.

Speaking of saving lives, why not become a firefighter? It's what you wanted to be when you were in preschool, and you know what they say about going with your gut instinct.

Unfortunately, those jobs are severely lacking in the prehistoric awesomeness department. Actually, almost all real jobs are boring. So here is our advice:

Channel your inner awesome and become a dinosaur.


  1. "One day when I grow up
    I wanna be a real somebody
    I wanna move it up
    I wanna make a lot of money
    rikka-ching, rikka-ching
    starting off at zero
    rikka-ching, rikka-ching
    I will never stop
    rikka-ching, rikka-ching
    will I be a hero
    will I be somebody at the top!" ~Chipz - One Day When I Grow Up
    Hehe such a corny song but the first thing that come to mind! I want to a... DINO PRINCESS!!!!! It will be a childhood dream come true! You should come join me in "The Dina Kingdom" :P What do you think Kurtish Lover and Gingery?!?!? You know you want to join :D

  2. I want to be a Wood Nymphadactyl that prances!
