15 July 2011

Conspiracy Theories

Hello kids, and welcome to today's lesson! This time, we will be discussing the controversial topic of Europe! Does it exist? Or is it just a fantasy created by the government for the purpose of filling our heads with false history and stealing our money?!

To uncover the truth, I hopped on the next flight to Italy.

The only way to know for sure if Europe exists is to see it with your own eyes from the air (assuming you can trust the airplane windows to actually show what's outside), so that's exactly what I set out to do. I planned to look out the plane window periodically during the 8.5 hour flight, and look for the following telltale signs of conspiracy:

1. Flying in circles over the same area (to stall for time)
2. Landing on a small, secluded island decorated with Italian things
3. Not landing on a large, Europe-shaped landmass

Unfortunately, I encountered an unexpected problem: nighttime.

(Bonus points if you can identify the planets!)

It was impossible to see anything out of the window other than blackness for most of the flight, and, many hours later, I had landed in Italy (or "Italy") without a single aerial view.

The rest of my search proved just as fruitless, as I found no concrete proof that I was actually in Europe and not on some secret island. As much as I tried to enjoy the remainder of the trip, I couldn't get the suspicions out of my head. It seems that the mystery of the existence of Europe remains unsolved.

Well played, Government. Well played.