25 November 2010

Imma Take Yo' Unicorn Fo' Parts

I'm a big fan of tradition. For example, on Thanksgiving, I watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, eat loads of potatoes, avoid turkey at all costs, and then sit around and bother my older brother to come up with something interesting to do because I'm too lazy to think of an idea on my own.

So in order to follow with this tradition theme, we present you with another Thanksgiving staple: the Thanksgiving Unicorn.

Because nothing is more traditional on Thanksgiving than a fat unicorn covered in sparkles.

Alie and I aren't even southern. Half of the time, I sound like a Canadian.


  1. Haha I think I will keep this one going. Fat and sparkly I take it he ate the avoided turkey :P He is a gem!!!

  2. And so cute Kurtish Lover! You turkey hand is wonderful :D
